Meet Our Founder

Kacie Kripner is the Founder and President of Humble Road. She grew up in a Christian home as the youngest child in a family of five. Her life, from childhood to today has not only equipped her, but opened her eyes to a calling Christ has put on her life to lead young women. Kacie has walked a road that has climbed the mountaintops and sunken into the valleys, sometimes smooth coasting for many miles, and other times with sharp turns and cratered with potholes. The road has humbled her and reminded her that no matter the journey, Jesus is her strength. It is in those very steps that God has shaped her into the bold and compassionate leader that she is today. 

Kacie grew up as a child loving God, a youth on absolute fire for Christ, but it is her adult life that the roots of her relationship with Jesus truly deepened and became her own. She has had seasons where her life has seemed to be overflowing with joy, and others where the sorrow and pain, of things unwanted: a miscarriage, abuse, and divorce were so deep that she found herself desperately grasping for that once-so-familiar joy. It was here that she learned of the deepest love of her Father. It is in this depth of grief that God taught, stretched, and grew her. Through the highs and the lows, Kacie has clung to Christ; it is in Him that her joy is found.

Kacie’s has stepped into leadership roles throughout her lifetime, from presidents to team captains growing up, to positions of leadership in her professional life; training and leading teams and trips to serve internationally, a Head Varsity softball coach, and a Supervisor of Animal Training at SeaWorld. These years and opportunities have helped to stretch her and grow her in ways that allow her to confidently lead our young women on the Humble Road journey.  

Kacie has a heart for young women to have confidence in who God has created them to be, and boldly step out of the demands of “the world”, allowing them to live a freely authentic life. She longs for people to feel empowered to be disciple makers in their communities, and equipped to be effective leaders in their lives. She sees the value and importance of having a global perspective and Biblical worldview. It is this heart that led her vision for Humble Road.